Software Prototyping Services

Utilize our services to sequentially organize a number of static photos to aid in visualizing
your product’s flow and features.

To test features, functionalities, and underpinning technological integrations, seek
assistance with interactive prototyping.

  • With our PoC, test and define the product functionalities, features and integrations
    for viability.
  • With our Software Prototyping Services filter and refine your product’s design and
    functionality & eradicate the risk of failure.

    Let's Get Started

    Fast-Track Your Future with Cutting-Edge Prototyping

    With the help of our software prototype creation services, you may put your product in use to improve its functionality and design, remove failure risk, and validate it in your target market segment.

    Distance Coding helps you test and validate a functioning prototype quickly, for the customer experience, UI, UX and business use case to raise funding and develop your product with confidence.

    Our Software Prototyping Services

    Static Prototyping

    A set of static images arranged sequentially as a result of static prototyping development services aid in visualizing your product, its functionality, and its flow. The user journey is visually represented in a static prototype.

    Proof of concept

    A PoC is a prudent viability test of your core assumption about your product, which reveals whether your product can be realized. A PoC also defines and tests the product functionalities, features and integrations.

    Clickable Prototyping

    The user path is functionally mapped through clickable prototyping, leading to the launch of an MVP. Clickable prototyping enables you to test functionality, features, and underlying technological integrations just as effectively as seeing it in use.

    Our Process

    01 Understanding Your Idea

    • Meticulously comprehend your expectations about how your app must look
    • Brainstorm the app’s user interface, features, user flow, and technical
    • Coming up with a solution and making the app’s final prototype

    03 User Stories

    • Construct a blueprint structure
    • Wire-framing of each screen
    • Design App

    05 Wireframing

    • Conduct Application Testing
    • Ensure 100% bug-free
    • Request for your final approval

    07 Clickable Prototype

    • Conduct Application Testing
    • Ensure 100% bug-free
    • Request for your final approval

    09 Delivery

    • Conduct Application Testing
    • Ensure 100% bug-free
    • Request for your final approval

    02 Customer Persona

    • Close competitors’ study
    • Establish goals and objectives
    • Request for your feedback and opinion

    04 Functional Document

    • Start coding of the app
    • Layout main sections
    • Request for your feedback

    06 Application Design

    • Install the app to your server and app stores
    • Ensure app availability for users

    08 Prototype Testing And Iterations

    • Install the app to your server and app stores
    • Ensure app availability for users

    01 Understanding Your Idea

    • Meticulously comprehend your expectations about how your app must look
    • Brainstorm the app’s user interface, features, user flow, and technical
    • Coming up with a solution and making the app’s final prototype

    02 Customer Persona

    • Close competitors’ study
    • Establish goals and objectives
    • Request for your feedback and opinion

    03 User Stories

    • Construct a blueprint structure
    • Wire-framing of each screen
    • Design App

    04 Functional Document

    • Start coding of the app
    • Layout main sections
    • Request for your feedback

    05 Wireframing

    • Conduct Application Testing
    • Ensure 100% bug-free
    • Request for your final approval

    06 Application Design

    • Install the app to your server and app stores
    • Ensure app availability for users

    07 Clickable Prototype

    • Conduct Application Testing
    • Ensure 100% bug-free
    • Request for your final approval

    08 Prototype Testing And Iterations

    • Install the app to your server and app stores
    • Ensure app availability for users

    09 Delivery

    • Conduct Application Testing
    • Ensure 100% bug-free
    • Request for your final approval

    Benefits Of Our Prototyping Services

    Feasibilty Testing

    Feasibilty Testing

    Test the practicality of your idea in minimal time and cost
    through our product prototyping services

    Concept Check

    Concept Check

    Test the practicality of your idea in minimal time and cost
    through our product prototyping services

    Early Feedback

    Early Feedback

    Test the practicality of your idea in minimal time and cost
    through our product prototyping services

    Iterate Complex Products

    Iterate Complex Products

    Test the practicality of your idea in minimal time and cost
    through our product prototyping services

    Budgeting and Planning

    Budgeting and Planning

    Test the practicality of your idea in minimal time and cost
    through our product prototyping services

    Demonstrate To Investors

    Demonstrate To Investors

    Test the practicality of your idea in minimal time and cost through our product prototyping services

    Cost Effective

    Cost Effective

    Test the practicality of your idea in minimal time and cost
    through our product prototyping services

    Why work with us

    Experienced Team

    You’re in control

    Budget mobile app development

    Round-the-clock availability

    Work with Experts

    Low Attrition

    Zero Overheads

    Startup ecosystem

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    Case Studies

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